Cabrinha Test Manager Phil Sobolev walks you through a complete breakdown of a 2020 Cabrinha Overdrive Control System and its spare parts.
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0:40 Security Pin
1:47 Harness Loop
2:50 Spinning Handle
3:34 Leash Connection Swivel and Lower PBS
4:39 Transition Plug
4:55 Depower Mainline
5:13 Overdrive Cassette
6:54 Bar End Bungee
11:16 1 x Bungee Line
14:03 CAS Trim Strap 7 Recoil Spring
19:36 Spinning Handle and Plug Rebuild
21:39 Front Lines
24:24 Harness Loop Reattach
25:43 Trim Lite Cleat Trim Line
28:29 TLC 1 x Bungee Line